by Stacey Schaedler | Mar 19, 2014 | Smart Strength
I like squats because they work my entire body. However, sometimes when I do them, they just don’t feel as good as I know they can.Here are 4 exercises that I’ve sequenced (in a specific order) to make my squats feel better. They help me...
by Stacey Schaedler | Mar 8, 2014 | Fat Loss, Smart Strength
These days there are all sorts of “squat challenges” and high repetition bodyweight programming promising to “tone and sculpt” DAT ASS, the badonkadonk, booty, junk in the trunk, tukus.. whatever you want to call it . Don’t believe...
by Stacey Schaedler | Feb 2, 2014 | Smart Strength
Truth is I think that anyone and EVERYONE can benefit from having some sort of exercise guidance in their life no matter how large or small. In case you have been living under a rock these past few years ONLINE and SMALL GROUP TRAINING have taken...
by Stacey Schaedler | Jan 27, 2014 | Fat Loss
Is anyone else sick of hearing about DIET and EXERCISE!??! I want to set a few things straight.At Stacey Schaedler Strength we prefer to refer to diet as nutrition and exercise as training.This post is an intro to our nutrition basics. The next...
by Stacey Schaedler | Jan 14, 2014 | Food/Health, Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle
THE MOST COMMONLY asked nutrition question I receive is: Should I use protein powder, and if so, which one? I wrote about this a while back, but it’s time for an update along with some more detail about choosing a protein powder that works for you and your...