Real Women, Real Results.

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“After I had my son and was cleared at my 6 week appointment I was so anxious to lose the baby weight I jumped way too fast and aggressively into exercising again. Unfortunately this resulted in a pelvic stress fracture that significantly impacted my everyday life. I am so thankful I found Stacey as I navigate this injury and get back to a better, stronger me. Stacey is extremely knowledgeable , supportive and encouraging. She goes above and beyond- working with my PT and chiropractor to make sure everyone is on the same page and treatment plan, checking in about my appointments and so on. She has completely changed the way I view and approach exercise in my life and taught me SO much about how to move safely in everyday mom life. I only wish I knew these things then so I was kinder and more gentle on my body. I have continued to work with Stacey throughout my healing and now that I am pregnant with baby #2! I HIGHLY recommend new moms to reach out to Stacey and take time to allow your body to heal postpartum.“
– Jaclyn, 34 Mama & Teacher
“I first met Stacey as a drop in to her Strength class at South Boston Yoga, I really enjoyed the workout and having worked as a group ex / part-time trainer I really loved her style and attention to detail. Her high knowledge of the field is obvious and after completing my grad school applications I was really ready for a new workout/ eating routine that I could be consistent with. Initially I needed a more “rehab centered” strength training program seeing as I had fai / labrum repair hip surgery. I was in constant pain, the majority of my functional movement was gone and I had a lot of weakness, asymmetry and tension I wanted to eliminate. Through careful attention to detail and communication with my PT Stacey has been able to get me back to deadlifting and even some 5K’s where I’ve won my age group! My booty is bigger and I’ve been able to rock a 6 pack as a result of hitting my macros consistently. Stacey has been with me through grad school and enabled me to safely prioritize exercise (and myself!) during this busy phase of life. I am now a Nurse Practitioner and I couldn’t have done it without Stacey! .“
– Elyse, 3o Nurse Practitioner
“Weighing in at a whopping 232 pounds – the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, I knew I needed help. I scoured the internet, finally coming to grips with the idea of needing a more personalized, accountable approach than the techniques I’d tried in the past. Quite honestly, I was searching for the Jillian Michaels of Boston who would create workouts for me that would cause me to vomit and would restrict me to 1200 calories a day. What I found instead, was Stacey. She told me if I was going to lose weight I needed to eat more and work out less. What?! This went against everything I was taught about weight loss and to say I was skeptical is an understatement. Stacey taught me first and foremost about nutrition and how to have a healthy, knowledgeable relationship with food. I had mentally geared up to eat only steamed veggies and perform hardcore workouts 6 days a week on an empty stomach. Instead, I eat more than I used to when I was heavier! Every day I find a way to enjoy a treat – ice cream, wine, cheese, chocolate – you name it, I’ve lost weight incorporating it. I strength train 3 times a week. Stacey tailors custom workouts for me when I see her in person, and I use her Smart Strength and Fast Fitness DIY programs to workout on my own twice a week. I haven’t done any strict cardio since I started this journey 8 months ago, except for the beautiful spring day I decided to go on a run for some fresh air, and casually ran 4 miles (keep in mind, I used to struggle to complete even 1!). Most weeks I do 2-3 strength training workouts for 30 minutes, and the others I go for a long walk with my dogs or go to yoga to destress. It’s really that easy. I have lost over 30 pounds since last summer, and I’ve never looked more toned in my life. Whoever told women that the key to weight loss was cardio + strict dieting was trying too damn hard. My new mantra: eat more, work-out less, trust Stacey!“
– Kathleen, 30
Mama & Marketing
“Weighing in at a whopping 232 pounds – the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, I knew I needed help. I scoured the internet, finally coming to grips with the idea of needing a more personalized, accountable approach than the techniques I’d tried in the past. Quite honestly, I was searching for the Jillian Michaels of Boston who would create workouts for me that would cause me to vomit and would restrict me to 1200 calories a day. What I found instead, was Stacey. She told me if I was going to lose weight I needed to eat more and work out less. What?! This went against everything I was taught about weight loss and to say I was skeptical is an understatement. Stacey taught me first and foremost about nutrition and how to have a healthy, knowledgeable relationship with food. I had mentally geared up to eat only steamed veggies and perform hardcore workouts 6 days a week on an empty stomach. Instead, I eat more than I used to when I was heavier! Every day I find a way to enjoy a treat – ice cream, wine, cheese, chocolate – you name it, I’ve lost weight incorporating it. I strength train 3 times a week. Stacey tailors custom workouts for me when I see her in person, and I use her Smart Strength and Fast Fitness DIY programs to workout on my own twice a week. I haven’t done any strict cardio since I started this journey 8 months ago, except for the beautiful spring day I decided to go on a run for some fresh air, and casually ran 4 miles (keep in mind, I used to struggle to complete even 1!). Most weeks I do 2-3 strength training workouts for 30 minutes, and the others I go for a long walk with my dogs or go to yoga to destress. It’s really that easy. I have lost over 30 pounds since last summer, and I’ve never looked more toned in my life. Whoever told women that the key to weight loss was cardio + strict dieting was trying too damn hard. My new mantra: eat more, work-out less, trust Stacey!“
– Kathleen, 30
Mama & Marketing
“Training with you – and talking to you about my body and what happened to it during and after two pregnancies – has helped me in ways that most people can’t see, but that I can feel. I am physically stronger, but also much, much more aware of how I carry myself (and my kids).“
“After 2 kids, I was struggling to find an exercise routine that worked for me that didn’t cause more damage to my already messed up hips, pelvic floor, etc… Stacey has been fantastic! I’m feeling stronger, leaner, and I’m understanding what I need to be doing (or not doing) in order to exercise safely + effectively.”
“Stacey has taught me so much! Her training is focused on making sure you’re doing the exercises correctly to avoid injury, as well as most efficiently so you’re not wasting any time or energy. She considers the whole picture, breathing, self-myofascial release, nutrition, anything and everything that makes your body feel good. She prioritizes the HOW and the WHY. I was never into strength training before kids but now I love it and wish I had started with Stacey sooner. “
“When I started working with Stacey over 2 years ago, I was running about 5 miles a day three times a week coupled with spin classes. At 60, I love being active, but as a result of my workout routine, I suffered from lower back pain and flexibility issues. Stacey helped me realize “less is more” and that strength training for me was key to addressing some of my issues to help make me stronger. Now I do strength training two times a week, walk a ton, supplement with a few spin classes and feel much better overall. Her motto “progress not perfection” is positive, motivating and manageable. “
Ready to start your fitness & nutrition journey?
Whether you want personal training or you are looking for online fitness & nutrition programs, I’ve got you covered!
Train with me at my South Boston or Andover studios. Work out with me one-on-one or in a small group. Either way, you’ll get a personalized program tailored to your individual needs and goals.
Food should make you feel good and fit into your life, instead of forcing your life to fit into a meal plan. This online program combines individualized nutrition advice along with group support. I’m here to cut through the bullshit and help you find lasting results.
If you’re too busy or too far away to make it to the studio, my at-home or at-gym training programs are the same quality as what you’d get from me at the studio. These plans prioritize three days of total body strength training wherever you can make it work.