Ready to be INSPIRED?
Over the past few years I have learned SO much about how what you eat makes you feel. Food affects your MOOD. Food affects your PHYSICAL BODY, INSIDE AND OUT. Food is FUEL. Food can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. FOR THE BETTER…IF YOU LET IT.Ready to...
Easy Ways to Increase Shoulder Mobility
Recently did a video for an old friend who is having some issues with limited shoulder mobility. He is an avid CrossFitter and he has finally realized that his shoulders are holding him back.For anyone who knows me you KNOW my worst fear is speaking in front of...
Using Strength Training to Support your Yoga Practice and Vice Versa Part 1
People usually stick to what they are comfortable and good at. I mean if you have a few hours a week to workout you are going to do what you enjoy...right?Yes of course it is FAR better than doing nothing at all, but what you like isn’t always what you need.OR...
Goals… Who needs em anyway?!?!
Apparently, I do.If in not getting ready for a certification, training for a competition, or prepping for a photo shoot, I've got limited motivation.Sure I get in and train but I feel my drive lacking. Do I need a lifting partner? Do I need camaraderie?What is...
Rambling and a special thank you
So once again I find myself saying "Hi again, it's been awhile."The truth is I don't feel like myself when I am not writing. One can never use the excuse that you don't have time because you make time for things that are important to you.I just read an article A...
AHHH the pelvis…to TILT or not to TILT
I want to spin off of an article I recently read. The following topic is something I encounter weekly if not daily, now that I run my business out of a yoga studio.The issue of a neutral pelvic tilt…what is it?A natural neutral pelvis supports a small arch in...