This is the third post in a series of 4 about how to build a better booty. If you are just joining us in this series, WELCOME 🤗 – you can find the whole series below:

After decades of strength training and two kids I felt like sponge bob square pants. My lower back hurt and I was actually avoiding rotation because “I wanted my core to heal”.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Rotation was an integral part of healing my body + getting strong AF.

One of the biggest changes for me was realizing that in order to effectively load single leg exercises (like lunges, step ups, split squats, and single leg deadlifts) I had to find rotation at the ribcage, pelvis, and feet.

Take a few minutes to try out my favorite variation of a hinge:

  • Rotate over the working leg,
  • Keep your nose, sternum, and big toe all aligned,
  • All while keeping heels heavy

Can you FEEL the difference? The exhale down is encouraging more internal rotation at the hips.

When all we do is squats with knees out, banded hip thrusts, clamshells, and donkey kicks (external rotation) we are missing a critical component of LENGTHENING THE GLUTES (internal rotation).

Regardless of who you are, you need access to both internal + external rotation at the joints of the body.

Without access to internal rotation at the foot, hips, and ribcage we compensate with back, hip, and knee pain.

When you try them out tag me on Instagram @staceyschaedler I’d love to take a look!
