Why Smart Strength?
So you are new to lifting and up until this point, your only goals have been akin to "I want to complete my first half marathon", or "I want to weigh 130lbs”.* Perhaps you suddenly find yourself injured, no longer able to run, and you are looking to strength train in...
Happy New Year Gift
Smart Strength Training Tips For Hypermobile Females
One of the most common issues I must address when strength training with female clientele is hypermobility. As women, we are often hypermobile in one or more areas, and in order to safely and effectively learn to strength train, there are certain positions and cues...
Smart Strength Skips The Sit Ups And Gets You A Strong Core For Real Life!
The most effective way to train our abs is to strength train using compound movements. Using our body as a whole in order to push, pull, hinge and squat is quite possibly one of the most useful things we could ever teach our bodies.
Home Workout Fitness Hacks For Getting Strong AF
Boston based personal trainer Stacey Schaedler is launching her first ever 12 Week Smart Strength Training Program For Women. Here are 8 of her favorite fitness hacks for getting strong AF while training at home!
How Trying To Make It As A Female In The Fitness Industry Nearly Killed Me
Who would you rather have as your coach? The woman on the left or the woman on the right? Why? I'll tell you why I'd rather be trained by the current me versus the then me: Because I'm a better trainer. Because I have a life, filled with wonderful things, (that...