5 Smart Ways To Modify Your Yoga Practice In Early Postpartum
One of my client friends is newly postpartum, (just a bit shy of 3 months PP) and kept mentioning that she wanted to go to a yoga class. I knew that she would go with or without me, so I decided to join her for a class so that I could teach her how to safely modify...
Top 10 Tips For Mamas In Their First Year Postpartum
Once you know better you do better. When I was first starting off in the fitness industry I didn’t know enough about training the pregnant and postpartum population. I have learned SO much in the past few years and will only continue to provide the best information...
How To Choose The Best Protein Bar For YOU
This is one of the most commonly asked questions I receive within my Progress Not Perfection Online Nutrition Coaching. I will always recommend that you chose REAL, whole foods the majority of the time, because eating real food satisfies you more and longer; while...
Progress Is Progress And Fat Loss Is Not Linear
FAT LOSS IS NOT SOME MAGICALLY LINEAR PROCESS. EVER. Remember that there will be ups and downs to progress and that’s totally normal. Always take a step back and look for the downward trend.
February Free Workouts
It has been a snowy week here in Boston! Here are two awesome workouts that can be done at home. Within this first workout, you'll get to try out a few of my favorite new exercise variations 🙂 You'll need a kettlebell and a set of dumbbells or a set of kettlebells...
My 4 Favorite Smart Strength Exercises To Build A Better Booty
Boston based personal trainer Stacey Schaedler shares some of her favorite ways to build great glutes. These are all part of her newly released online training program, Smart Strength.