What’s challenging, burns fat, maintains muscle, uses little equipment, works your entire body AND can be done in a short amount of time!??!?!
Complexes my friend, complexes.
They should be your best friend this Holiday Season.
A complex is a series of movements that “flow” together at single or multiple repetitions. They can be performed with single or double kettlebells (my personal favorite), dumbbells, a barbell or a sandbag. They are pretty much the equivalent of weighted interval training. You string together movements without taking your hand off the weight and end up moving thousands of pounds in just a few minutes 😉
Talk about bang for your buck!
Here’s some COMPLEX holiday LOVE for you (I’ve included links to my YouTube videos that shows each workout step-by-step)!
- Sweet 15 Kettlebell Complex
- Evil 8 Barbell Complex
- Sandbag Complex
- Dumbbell Complex