I freaking LOVE bodyweight training. It’s efficient and can be done anywhere, anytime. Whether your goal is to burn fat, increase core strength or just get moving again, bodyweight workouts are an awesome option.

There is however one big thing missing in most of these routines…

Deliberate recruitment of the upper back musculature. 

When we repeat bodyweight exercises (plank and pushup variations, etc) without engaging the upper back and core, our shoulders take the brunt of the work. High repetitions and long durations create more opportunity for overuse.

Keeping your shoulders happy during bodyweight workouts is key!
(If you are experiencing shoulder discomfort.. check out this sequenced video, and get back to your workouts sooner!) 

Whenever you do a bodyweight workout, you must incorporate pulling exercises that involve your upper back in order to maintain body balance.  Engaging through your upper back is critical for better posture and maximizing the use of your core.

How can you incorporate pulling exercises?

Get yourself a suspension trainer. (*Not ready to get one yet? Scroll down to learn 3 upper body pulling exercises you can do without a suspension trainer.)

Upper body pulling exercises are basic and simple to implement with a suspension trainer.

Give these six a go!

Suspension Trainer Pulling Exercises

Don’t have a suspension trainer yet? Here are a few ideas to keep your shoulders happy in the meantime.

Upper Back Engaged While Bridging

Push-Up with Upper Back Activation

Band Pull Apart Tri-Set