by Stacey Schaedler | May 29, 2014 | Fat Loss, Food/Health, Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Recovery, Smart Strength
So…. you want to know why you’re not dropping body fat? You under-eat…. big time. Let’s say you’re a 5’4”, 33 year-old woman who weighs 135 lbs. You need to take in 1,387 calories just to survive. What do you think...
by Stacey Schaedler | Mar 26, 2014 | Food/Health
Which will provide the most benefit first: Changing how you eat or increasing the number of times you exercise? HINT: It’s NOT exercise! Think about it… The average person eats MORE THAN 3 TIMES A DAY. That’s at least 21 chances you have to...
by Stacey Schaedler | Jan 14, 2014 | Food/Health, Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle
THE MOST COMMONLY asked nutrition question I receive is: Should I use protein powder, and if so, which one? I wrote about this a while back, but it’s time for an update along with some more detail about choosing a protein powder that works for you and your...
by Stacey Schaedler | Aug 3, 2011 | Food/Health
AT LAST!!!!Three or more years ago I was diagnosed with a BUNCH of food allergies/intolerances. I eliminated these food groups and felt instantly better.I then decided to contest diet.I did a meat and egg free contest prep :0Little did I realize what a toll this would...
by Stacey Schaedler | Jan 8, 2010 | Food/Health
I feel like I am always updating you all on strength gains and weight loss success stories from women at the studio. It’s time I changed all that ;)Meet Jeff!Jeff came to me almost a year ago interested in kettlebells! Needless to say he had a “few”...