Ready to be INSPIRED?

Over the past few years I have learned SO much about how what you eat makes you feel.  Food affects your MOOD.  Food affects your PHYSICAL BODY, INSIDE AND OUT.  Food is FUEL.  Food can CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  FOR THE BETTER…IF YOU LET IT.Ready to...

The incredible edible EGG

AT LAST!!!!Three or more years ago I was diagnosed with a BUNCH of food allergies/intolerances. I eliminated these food groups and felt instantly better.I then decided to contest diet.I did a meat and egg free contest prep :0Little did I realize what a toll this would...

Repetition is the mother of all learning

The same can be said for how many times you can tell someone something until they finally believe it themselves.  You could flash the same message in someones face numerous times until that light in their head finally goes off!For me it is very rewarding when...

The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

You know you all watch it.I’ll admit, I look forward to it every year!You have to give the angels credit…walking in those heels and boots down that long runway in those barely there outfits with those heavy wingsthat sh*ts not easy!A few weeks ago I had...