The BEST Press You Aren't Doing, Recipes + Favorite Fitness Reads
Boston based personal trainer Stacey Schaedler shares her exercise of the week along with some recipes from September and her favorite Fitness Reads!
The Road To Living Lean In Your 30’s and Beyond.
Much like everything in life I had to experience the "rebound effect" of extreme dieting first hand in order to actually believe that it can happen to anyone. Back in 2010 I took to the "compete in a my first Figure show" bandwagon. Winning my Pro-card at my second...
Labor Day Weekend Client Updates + Favorite Fitness Reads
I hope you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend! I am working today and took Monday off to hit up my favorite beach on the North Shore 🙂 It is supposed to be amazing weather 🙂 The next few weeks will be filled with awesome stuff I learned at the 2nd Annual Women's...
MARRIED, FREE TRAVEL WORKOUT + Women's Fitness Summit Honeymoon
I'm sitting downstairs in the hotel lobby with Keri waiting for HOT Starbucks coffee. You know the kind that will get my newsletter out to you guys and take me through Day 3 of the Women's Fitness Summit. Yesterday morning Keri agreed to be the guinea pig for the...
WIFEY WORKOUT- My Gift to You!
If you don't know, know you know. #Wifey #workout coming to your inbox this weekend, congrats to Lucy who gets hitched this weekend! All you need is a single #kettlebell and a chair/couch/ bench! #progressnotperfection #fitfam #smartstrength #shreddedforthewedding...
LOVE MY TRIBE, Bird Dogs + Favorite Fitness Reads!
In this weeks #tutorial #tuesday we talked bird dogs! I find this exercise to be commonly butchered in yoga, pilates as well as physical therapy. My clients have developed a LOVE/HATE relationship with the "sweat dog". Get yourself up against a wall and perform 5 reps...