I had an awesome week that included a spur of the moment visit from my parents, and a weekend with my little sister :))) I baked my wedding cake with my soon to be kick-ass mother-in-law Ginny Lawrence + scoped out places to take wedding photos with my favorite photographer Jess McDougall!
By now you may have realized that there are a TON of awesome exercises to include in a beginning strength training program!
This weeks tutorial tuesday is actually one of my favorites. Although I am not a beginner, I still use it a lot in my own warm-ups to get things moving 🙂
My group training clients continue to impress me with their hard work + dedication to reaching their goals. They inspire me day in and day out!
My newest online training client Amanda (remember she moved to California for the Summer) is KILLING it with her newest 3 day split! All that squatting and deadlifting is going to get her ready for her hiking in Hawaii next month 🙂
This month’s online nutrition coaching group is AWESOME! They have really opened up early on and gotten a lot from the Facebook Group. EVERYONE NEEDS A COMMUNITY TO THRIVE IN!!! Even if it is virtual 🙂
Favorite Fitness Reads
Is One-on-One Personal Training Really Dead? – Eric Cressey
Why Gym Culture Is So Important– Tony Gentilcore
7 Big Rock Of Fat-Loss– Bryan Krahn
9 Good Reminders That Will Change the Way You Think– Marc + Angel
How Walking In Nature Changes the Brain– Gretchen Reynolds
How To Date On A Diet- Wining, Dining + Watching Your Waistline– Garrett Wood
Bro-Split Versus Total Body Training: Which Builds More Muscle– Brad Schoenfeld