I hope your week is off to a great start! In this post I will share with you Stacey Schaedler Strength’s Nutrition+ Small Group Training Coaching updates, gift you a FREE WORKOUT  as well as share some of my favorite fitness read of this past week! Hope you enjoy 😉
Sweet Sixteen is a GREAT workout for those of you who have access to a bit more equipment!
It’s smart, fun and will leave you feeling your booty for sure 🙂

Double Kettlebell Alternating Racked Reverse Lunges- 16
Hinge Body Rows- 16
Hand to Hand Swings- 16
Double Kettlebell Strict Presses- 8
Rest and repeat for as many rounds as possible in 10-15 minutes!
*** do those lunges properly and I promise you’ll be feeling BOTH YOUR ASSES like woah!

Client Spotlight: Dee Cassidy :))))

Happy #Friday #fitfam! By now you know that I am just a little more than passionate about getting women to embrace strength training 👯 I am not super hardcore in any one direction and my clientele are real people just like you and me! This is Dee, I’ve been with Dee for over 9 years now (fucking insane). When she first came to me she had recently been diagnosed with localized scleroderma (morphoea) in her upper right leg. Due to her condition there is a large discrepancy between the size of her legs. This affected her gait, as well as all of her movement patterns and was causing a great deal of pain. Doctors had pretty much told her to be a couch potato because this condition is not reversible. She took her health into her own hands and has triumphed through much more than anyone I know. I can still remember 5 years ago when she learned to bodyweight squat with NO PAIN! Today she deadlifted 180lbs 💪🏼👊🏼😮🙉 Fuck yeah… Go Dee! Take this confidence and keep it spreading to all the other aspects of your life! #progressnotperfection #smartstrength #deadlift #success #girlsgonestrong

A video posted by Stacey Schaedler Strength (@staceyschaedler) on

Small Group Training and Classes have been killing it!
People sure want to send 2015 off with a bang and start 2016 as their BEST SELVES…and I LOVE IT!

(I have 2 slots open for small group personal training in 2016, shoot me an email if you are interested: stacey@staceyschaedler.com)

I teach 2 classes each week at South Boston Yoga. Wednesday evenings at 5:45pm as well as Sunday mornings at 11am… hope to see you there!
This December marks my 1 Year Anniversary of Online Nutrition Coaching :)))
Exciting new programming coming in 2016 and the next group starts Monday January 4th!

17- Weeks and I am feeling more and more like myself everyday 🙂
I will continue to listen to my body and strength train to the degree that makes my body feel its best. I look forward to sharing my experience with you all!!


Favorite Fitness Reads

How To Get 6 Pack Abs, Have Amazing Sex, and Rule the World In 8 Easy Steps– Kate Bartolotta
Nobody Gives A Shit About Your Macros– Sohee Lee
How To Avoid Holiday Fat- Gain Without Counting Calories– Anyman Fitness
How Much Protein Do You Need– JC Deen
What it Means To Pull The Slack Out of the Bar– Tony Gentilcore
Is Motivational Stuff Stupid– Nia Shanks
Things Don’t Always Go As Planned- Here is What to Do– Nia Shanks