by Stacey Schaedler | Jul 2, 2014 | Fat Loss, kettlebells, Smart Strength, Uncategorized
Kettlebells have become all the rage in recent years…everyone and their mother is swinging! Unfortunately, the majority of people I see swinging aren’t doing it properly. Due to the fact that kettlebell swings are dynamic in nature (complex weighted...
by Stacey Schaedler | May 29, 2014 | Fat Loss, Food/Health, Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Recovery, Smart Strength
So…. you want to know why you’re not dropping body fat? You under-eat…. big time. Let’s say you’re a 5’4”, 33 year-old woman who weighs 135 lbs. You need to take in 1,387 calories just to survive. What do you think...
by Stacey Schaedler | Mar 8, 2014 | Fat Loss, Smart Strength
These days there are all sorts of “squat challenges” and high repetition bodyweight programming promising to “tone and sculpt” DAT ASS, the badonkadonk, booty, junk in the trunk, tukus.. whatever you want to call it . Don’t believe...
by Stacey Schaedler | Jan 27, 2014 | Fat Loss
Is anyone else sick of hearing about DIET and EXERCISE!??! I want to set a few things straight.At Stacey Schaedler Strength we prefer to refer to diet as nutrition and exercise as training.This post is an intro to our nutrition basics. The next...
by Stacey Schaedler | Oct 2, 2012 | Fat Loss
Over the past few years I have learned SO much about how what you eat makes you feel. Food affects your MOOD. Food affects your PHYSICAL BODY, INSIDE AND OUT. Food is FUEL. Food can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. FOR THE BETTER…IF YOU LET IT.Ready to...
by Stacey Schaedler | Jun 29, 2011 | Fat Loss
The same can be said for how many times you can tell someone something until they finally believe it themselves. You could flash the same message in someones face numerous times until that light in their head finally goes off!For me it is very rewarding when...