Thanksgiving is coming!
Here are a few of my favorite tips to get you through this busy season 🙂

Just because the holiday’s are here doesn’t mean you have to forget about your workouts completely. Here is a simple 15 minute workout and all you need is a stability ball!

Set your gymboss timer to :30 work :20 rest.
1) Lateral lunge w OH reach L,R
2) Deadbug
3) Push-up
4) Hamstring Curl
Repeat for 4 -5 rounds or 10-20 minutes!

Ruth’s Baked Apples


Favorite Health and Fitness Reads

The Diet That Has No Name ( and why it may be the best thing ever) – Nia Shanks
A Healthier Approach To Business Travel– Harvard Business Journal
Brawn and Brains– New York Times
4 Keys to Fat Loss Beyond Eat Less and Move More– Girls Gone Strong
10 Tips To Thrive During Holiday Training– Juggernaut Training Systems
How To Hip Thrust For Big, Strong and Powerful Booty– Girls Gone Strong
4 Myths About Female Glute Training– Bret Contreras
Chose To Be Grateful and You Will Be Happier– New York Times