No matter your age, fitness level, or stage of life, now is the perfect time to make strength training part of your life.
You DO NOT need to go to the gym to complete Smart Strength.
Here is exactly what you will need:
You will need are a set of kettlebells, a set of dumbbells, a suspension trainer, resistance bands ( these are awesome for assisted pushups in the doorway), all purpose bands ( I recommend yellow, orange or black these are awesome for rowing, pallof holds, chest pressing and core rotations) a stability ball (65cm) a mini-band, a yoga block and a pair of yoga tune up balls to be exact. If you have a bench…good for you but it is not necessary. We all have couches and chairs.
I highly recommend you get yourself a Gym Boss Timer, but you can always use your Iphone 🙂
It is hard to give estimates on appropriate weights for everyone BUT I am going to try to give you some good examples.
Let’s say you are a true beginner haven’t lifted weights much at all. A set of 10-12lb dumbbells, an 8kg kettlebell and a 12kg kettlebell should serve you well!
If you are intermediate I suggest a set of 15lb dumbbells, a 10-12kg as well as a 16kg kettlebell.
If you are more advanced I suggest a set of 20-25lb dumbbells, a 12-16kg as well as 24kg kettlebell.
Hope this helps.
Smart Strength teaches you how to:
- Adopt an attitude that prioritizes training for longevity as opposed to chasing a daily workout “high”
- Have the patience and consistency to get just a little bit better, each and every session
- Gain body awareness so that you can find optimal positioning within your own body for every strength exercise you perform
- Prioritize three total body strength training sessions each week, following the mantra that “less is more”
- Achieve a balance between work and recovery—truly living the notion that “everything you do, you must undo”
Smart Strength prioritizes three workouts per week. You’ll get comprehensive, safe, and effective training sessions that will work your whole body, get you in proper alignment, make sure your core is firing, and improve your everyday life. You can achieve and maintain an amazingly sexy, healthy, happy body with just three quality sessions per week. Most of what you’ve heard about women’s strength training is dead wrong, and I’m here cut through the bullshit and help you figure out how to make your workouts work for you.
Smart Strength is for women of all ages and abilities who are ready to throw out what they think they know about strength training and are ready to adopt a program that works.
Smart Strength is about working out as few times per week as possible — or at least the fewest times you can while still seeing the results you want. Plenty of women have routines that involve running six days a week, or hitting the gym five mornings before work.
But what happens when life gets in the way? When you get a new job, and your commute gets longer? Or when you have a kid? Or get hurt? Those five or six days a week you need to maintain slowly drop down to four or two or none.
Smart Strength is not a 90-day hardcore plan that will get you in great shape but turn your life upside down. Smart Strength is simple, effective and sustainable. It may not be the “latest fad” but it FUCKING WORKS.
If you have ever wanted to work with me, but money, distance or time was too much of an obstacle, then Smart Strength is for you. Smart Strength is an entirely online program that gives you the flexibility to work out wherever and whenever you want. If you were to train with me in-person three-times a week for 12 weeks, you would pay $3,600.
This BLACK FRIDAY get Smart Strength and all of my knowledge and guidance for just $48.50!