This past week was filled with friends!
Tuesday I met up with my UMass lover Erika and got to meet her beautiful daughter. We went to the zoo and got to see ALL THE ANIMALS!!!

Saturday I went to the Brimfield Fair with Morgan, my best friend from home. We did a bunch of wedding crafting, met new friends, walked a ton and found a gorgeous wedding band for the big day 🙂
Happy Sunday to you all, here is the latest edition of my favorite fitness reads!

Continuing for yet another week, I am back with one of my favorite single leg exercises for gaining strength, stability and balance! This is an exercise I teach all my beginner clients and continue to use with advanced clientele using more difficult progressions.
Step Up Tutorial

Just in case you missed my email on Friday, here’s a FREE WORKOUT I created just for YOU 🙂
Workout of the Week
Just another reminder of why you NEED TO TAKE PROGRESS PHOTOS!!!!


Favorite Fitness Reads

The 3 Reasons You’re Still Fat and So Am I- Jade Teta
This Is What Flexible Dieting Actually Looks Like– Sohee Walsh
9 Reasons Fat Loss is Always Slower Than You Would Like-Armi Legge
Does Calorie Counting Work? The Truth Finally Revealed– Jordan Syatt
Grace Under (food) Pressure: 5 Effective Strategies For Handling Food Pushers– Jen Comas
3 Ways To Increase Your Ankle Mobility– Mike Perry
Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats– Born Fitness
Expert Shows Exercises For Training the Hip Hinge– Dean Somerset
Why Do We Give Caffeine A Free Pass– Eric Cressey