You all know that I LOVE me some yoga and kettlebells! One thing they have in common is the linkage of breath and movement in a nice flowing fashion. Here is a fun warm-up flow that I used with my classes this week. I think you’ll enjoy it!

Now I know that not everyone has access to a gym all the time, some of you not ever! Doesn’t matter we all have bodies and can perform SMART STRENGTH BODYWEIGHT circuits at home! Here is a fun one that you can do outside using just a single step ☺ Enjoy!

I have talked quite a bit about Female Fat Loss and what is involved in the process. Here is one of my favorite metabolic conditioning workouts that takes just 10 minutes to complete.
You all have 10 minutes ☺
All you need is a heavy kettlebell, a light kettlebell and some furniture sliders (paper plates on a rug/ rags on hard wood floor will do just fine!)
Set your timer for 10 minutes.
Perform 10 2-handed swings
Perform 20 Mt. Climbers
Perform 6 Snatches on your Right Hand
Perform 6 Snatches on your Left Hand
Perform 20 Mt. Climbers
Repeat the above for AMRAP (as many rounds as possible (THAT LOOK GOOD)) for 10 minutes!
***Try again NEXT week and see if you can complete more rounds in in the same 10 minutes 🙂


Favorite Fitness Reads

The Fatigue Fallacy: You Don’t Have To Finish Your Workouts Exhausted ( and What REALLY Matters)– Nia Shanks
How To Eat Too Many Calories and Gain Fat– ANYMAN FITNESS
Pull Ups: You’re Doing Them Wrong– Lee Boyce
34 Things Learned From 20 Years of Lifting Part 1– Dean Somerset
34 Things Learned From 20 Years of Lifting Part 2– Dean Somerset
Positive Self-Talk For Instant Gains– Tony Bonvechio
How To Exercise During Pregnancy– Precision Nutrition
Gym Etiquette 201– Tony Gentilcore