by Stacey Schaedler | Feb 20, 2019 | Fat Loss, Food/Health, habits, Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle, nutrition, online coaching, online nutrition, plug + play, plug n play, protein, Uncategorized
I joke with my nutrition coaching clients that I’m no Betty Crocker! Heck I’m no Ginny Lawrence either ( thats my MIL the personal chef ). BUT I have created my own way to eat (PLUG N PLAY) for the long haul that enables me to prepare my protein in advance...
by Stacey Schaedler | Feb 6, 2019 | bodyweight training, exercise, Smart Strength, Uncategorized
Did you know that your glute medius is the tiny muscle responsible for stabilizing your hips and pelvis during weight bearing movements (AKA walking, running and lifting) AND that without a stable pelvis you might experience back pain, hip pain or knee pain. Well now...
by Stacey Schaedler | Feb 1, 2019 | exercise, Featured Articles, Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Recovery, Smart Strength, Uncategorized
Are you looking to shake up your fitness routine? I now have 3 “DO IT YOURSELF” programs that can be started at anytime. Today I will be sharing my 8 Smart Strength Fitness Hacks for getting STRONG AF! The gym can be an intimidating place when you don’t...
by Stacey Schaedler | Oct 29, 2018 | Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Recovery, Uncategorized
Life is crazy. I lost my sister in July of 2017. I was given a daughter in July of 2018. Needless to say it’s been an emotional year and all of those mixed emotions associated with grief ultimately ended up carrying me through the birth of Eva. Birth stories are...
by Stacey Schaedler | Feb 3, 2018 | Featured Articles, Lifestyle, mom life, momlife, motherhood, pregnancy, Uncategorized
You may have heard people say “every pregnancy is different; “ if you know anything about me I am stubborn as all hell and ALWAYS have to learn things on my own before I believe anything people say. When I was pregnant with Julia I had 24/7 “morning sickness” my...
by Stacey Schaedler | Oct 4, 2017 | Health/Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
1. Practice Yoga. It’s good for you and for everyone around you. 2. Strength Train. Your body will thank you. (Preferably with a kettlebell: it’s an efficient, total body tool and can be done ANYWHERE.) 3. Happiness is a choice. Life is too short to be anything but...